
Showing posts from August, 2022

Pacing for Proficiency

A lot of new teachers ask how they should pace their curriculum in order to get through all the required learning while actually making learning happen. This kind of knowledge often comes from years of experience, and until then, it's normal to edit and revise your curriculum until you get it just right.  In order to make it easier for you though, I broke my curriculum down into a few simple schedules that you can make your own! See below. Note: Every teacher has their own style, so while these work well for me, don't stress if they don't work for you! Scheduling Out the Year 1 week - Community Building 1 week - Pre-Assessment 4-6 weeks - Class Novel 1 & Grammar 1 week - Essay 1 4-6 weeks - Class Novel 2 & Grammar 1 week - Essay 2 1 week - Presentation 1 1 week - Makeup Work / Extra Credit / Celebrations 1 week - Group Project 4-6 weeks - Class Novel 3 & Journals 1 week - Essay 3 4-6 weeks - Choice Novel 4 with Independent Projects 1 week - Student Project 1
